Frequently Asked Questions

How does the free week(s) work?

If we provide a losing week from our bets, our bets will now be free for current subscribers. We will not auto-renew subscribers' subscriptions until we provide a profitable week in our bets.  

What time does your plays come out?

All my bets will come out at different times. Keep notifications on as the bets will always be sent with plenty of time before the event starts. Almost all of our weekley bets will be posted by Thursday. Usually sportsbooks don't have all props bets available until Thursday/Friday. Last couple of bets will be after weigh-ins if needed.

What other services do you offer?

We provide additional consultanting on how to sport bet, shop around for the best odds in your specific location, and manage your bankroll for your sports betting account. For quotes email [email protected]

What is your refund policy?

There are no refunds. All purchases are final. 

Do subscriptions auto-renew until they are canceled?


If I unsubscribe, will my price change?

Yes. If a subscriber originally subscibed when the price was $5 and unsubscribed, they will now be charged whatever the current price for a subscription is if they decide to rejoin. 

Why sell picks if you make money on your bets?

To prevent ourselves from getting limited faster. Betting smaller amounts allows us to stay under the radar longer. Limits/bans happen way faster than one would assume if you're betting on "soft" sportbooks. We are limited on two sportbooks already. 

Why only offer one week subscriptions?

Some weekends, there are no ufc events. We don't want to charge for a service that isn't being provided. For auto-renewals, we pause charges until there is an ufc event again.